What Is Surrender Blackjack

Posted : admin On 3/25/2022
What Is Surrender Blackjack Rating: 4,6/5 3653 reviews

The surrender option in blackjack gives players the opportunity to give up their hand and receive half of their bet back. This can be done both online and in brick-and-mortar casinos. Online, it is done by clicking the corresponding button, while at land-based casinos. If the dealer has blackjack, the hand is a push, but the player receives two times the value of the insurance, which is the same as the original bet. If the dealer does not have blackjack, the player wins 1.5 times the value of the original bet but loses the value of the insurance, and still ends up with the value of the original bet.

On the Wizard of Odds site there is a basic strategy calculator. If surrender is offered you can choose:
Allowed with any dealer up card, or,
Allowed on a dealer two through ten.
So this is late surrender, right? If so you can surrender against a dealer ace-up as long as the dealer does not have blackjack. So why is there the “Allowed on a dealer two through 10” option? Are there casinos that offer late surrender where you can’t surrender against a dealer ace-up even if the dealer doesn’t have a 10- under?
The dealer with an ace up asks if you want insurance then checks for a blackjack. If the dealer has a blackjack, surrender was never an option. If the dealer doesn't have blackjack, then you can surrender when it's your turn. If the dealer has a 10, the dealer checks for blackjack before it was ever your turn to consider surrender.
Now, casino rules that exempt surrender on a dealer ace without a blackjack, I don't understand.
If the dealer doesn’t have a blackjack then you can surrender if you want to. That’s easy to understand. But what does “Allowed on a dealer two through ten” mean? Does this mean that if the dealer has an ace as an up-card you cannot surrender even though the dealer doesn’t have a blackjack?

Does this mean that if the dealer has an ace as an up-card you cannot surrender even though the dealer doesn’t have a blackjack?

Yep, exactly.
G Man

Yep, exactly.

Surrender In Blackjack Strategy

Thanks, GMan.
Are there any casinos in Vegas that offer late surrender, but not against a dealer ace? I’ve never heard of this rule. But then I’ve only played a couple of times where surrender is even offered.

Thanks, GMan.
Are there any casinos in Vegas that offer late surrender, but not against a dealer ace? I’ve never heard of this rule. But then I’ve only played a couple of times where surrender is even offered.

Nope, all of Las Vegas casinos offering Late Surrender offer the 'full version'.
G Man
Doesn’t “Late surrender” by definition, mean after checking for a dealer BJ?
I invented a few casino games. Info: http://www.DaveMillerGaming.com/ ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, childish, irrational rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁

Doesn’t “Late surrender” by definition, mean after checking for a dealer BJ?

It's not what he wanted to know. He is referring to a surrender version where you cannot surrender against the Ace. Nothing to do with checking for BJ or not.
G Man
Blackjack also called a 'natural 21'

The following is a glossary of terms used in the card game blackjack. This is not intended to be a formal dictionary; precise usage details and multiple closely related senses are omitted here in favor of concise treatment of the basics.[1][2]


Being told by a casino that you are being removed, generally due to suspected advantage play.


balanced count
Any counting system which has an exact balance between plus cards and minus cards. In such a system, if the deck were counted down to the bottom, the resulting sum would be zero.
1. A card game in which players attempt to approach 21 but not exceed it
2. The best possible hand in the game blackjack, made up of an ace and a card valued at 10 (namely, 10, J, Q, K).
Having a total over 21.
bust card
The individual card that brings the hand's total over 21.
basic strategy
A collection of actions that will offer the best odds off the top of the deck. These actions vary when different rules are applied to the game.


cut card
A brightly colored plastic card that serves to mark the point after which the dealer will reshuffle the cards, and used by a player to cut the cards prior to dealing.

What Is Surrender In Blackjack


double or double down
After seeing their hand, a player can Double by placing an additional bet equal to their original bet and subsequently drawing one and only one additional card. This move may only be used on the first two cards.


even money
When the dealer shows an ace and the player has a blackjack, the player can opt for even money and is paid immediately at 1:1. This is just a version of insurance, not a different bet. If the dealer has blackjack, the hand is a push, but the player receives two times the value of the insurance, which is the same as the original bet. If the dealer does not have blackjack, the player wins 1.5 times the value of the original bet but loses the value of the insurance, and still ends up with the value of the original bet.


first base
The betting spot located to the dealer's left, which is first to receive cards.
five card Charlie
A bonus or automatic win in some games when a hand contains five cards without busting.


hard hand
A hand in which there is a chance the player will bust on a hit.
To ask for another card. If that extra card makes the total over 21, then the player busts.
hole card
A dealer card that is dealt face down and not revealed to players until after they have acted upon their hands.


When the dealer shows an ace, the player can choose to place a side bet of up to half the value of the original bet. If the dealer has blackjack, the bet pays 2:1. If the dealer does not have blackjack, the player loses the wager.


Receiving a sum of 21 in the first two cards. A blackjack.


A number or fraction that represents how many cards/decks will be dealt before shuffling in contrast to the total number of cards/decks in play. It may be expressed in percentage form or as a fraction where the denominator is always the total number of decks in play such as '4.5/6' or '75% penetration'.
pitch game
A blackjack game dealt from the hand of the dealer, normally using 1 or 2 decks
A tie; the player and dealer have hands with the same total below 22.


A device used to hold multiple decks of cards typically 4, 6 or 8. Cards are dealt one at a time from the shoe.
shoe game
A blackjack game which is dealt from a shoe. Shoe games typically use more than 2 decks.
A soft hand is a hand that includes an ace valued as 11, as opposed to 1.
If a player is dealt two cards of the same rank, they can choose to play each of them separately, putting up a bet for each one.
To stop asking for more cards.
Any hard hand where the possibility to exceed 21 exists by drawing an additional card namely 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16
To surrender is to abandon your hand, while recovering half of your initial bet.


third base
The betting spot located on the dealer's right which is last to act.


The card that the dealer is showing.


What Is Surrender In Blackjack

  1. ^Dalton, Michael. 'The Encyclopedia of Casino Twenty-One - Blackjack Review Network'. Blackjack Review Network. Retrieved 1 February 2018.
  2. ^'Glossary of terms'. Retrieved 1 February 2018.

Blackjack Surrender Chart

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